Adidas Thunder Run 2015….I have to run AGAIN?!

Well. It’s Friday, I’ve been running twice since Sunday and the best feeling on each of those runs was that I didn’ Well, not within 3 hours anyway.

“adidas Thunder Run is a 24 hour off-road relay race against the clock. Whether you run solo, pairs or teams of 5 or 8 it’ll test your tactics, endurance, speed and team work. It’s an exhilarating, rewarding and tiring race with a great atmosphere. You’ll find TR24 physically challenging and mentally tough but an experience not to be missed”

(100% agree with this entire paragraph)

Last Friday, I had a 5pm panic-phone call to my mum about what to pack. I thought I had everything, however she gave me the (much-appreciated) reminder about a pair of gloves. I shoved everything into my trusty blue and yellow fluoro rucksack and got an Uber to our meeting place at Clapham Junction because a)it was raining and I didn’t want to start the weekend wet and b) I couldn’t be bothered to carry everything. Plus it only cost me a tenner.

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6 Things Sporty Girls are Tired of Hearing

1. “You’re playing sport AGAIN tonight?”

Yup. Bloody love it. I would genuinely rather go and run around outside with a bunch of awesome people after work than most other things.

Source: Tag Rugby 7s

2. “Aren’t you worried about bulking up?”

Er, we’ve been through this guys. Girls’ bodies don’t react the same way to strength and resistance training as guys’. Having said that, sure, I’m fairly muscle-bound and therefore a tad on the heavy side, but my body fat % and wait:hip ratio are pretty damn good. Take that potential heart disease and type 2 diabetes. #BOOM Continue reading

Avoiding the mid-afternoon munchies i.e. giving yourself a bit of a treat

If you are anything like me, afternoons can seem to draaaaaag. Meetings run into meetings, calls into calls and you often need a bit of something to look forward to that isn’t just “going for a run as soon as I am outta here” (by run, sometimes I mean pub)

My previous poison was hot chocolate. Yes, even in July. Or sometimes a little trip to M&S for a Belgian chocolate flapjack (seriously, if you haven’t, go right now and buy one. You will thank me. Or maybe hate me for giving you an addiction). I’ve got better recently – snack packs of chicken and protein shakes have been my saviour for the past year or so, but I reckon you’ll still find me with a hot chocolate at least once a week (eek!)

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10 complaints I have about sun in the UK

If you are in London, you will have noticed that everyone is going cray cray over the weather. Because we can’t handle sun in the UK. I’ve had a think about why it’s great, but also the problems I am currently encountering….(i.e. MANY)

1. Racer back tan lines. Or cyclist tan lines. I seem to get the majority of my tan when I am doing outdoor activities. This means it is a combination of racer back, sports bras and cyclist jerseys. Meaning I can NEVER wear strapless dresses without having to fill in the gaps with some stripy fake tan. Cycling glove lines are a firm favourite!

2. The tube is too hot. Yesterday I did ONE STOP from Southfields to East Putney and I literally could feel myself melting. Sorry if it’s TMI, but I felt like I was leaving the gym. Whilst squashed with 25 other people also leaving the gym. After wearing a ski outfit. I am glad I cycle to work because it’s then acceptable to be sweaty…

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